Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Will Not Take My Love Away

I think it's kind of funny how we tend to contextualize songs to fit our own lives to describe how we are feeling and give us something to relate to. To feel a deep "connection" with the artist's "bleeding love" or how "everything's gotten so complicated"...etc. It's an inexplicable phenomenon that I really don't have an answer to, but I guess it's in the same way, the reason why people tend to use eisegesis when studying the Bible. Hmmmm...wonder if it has anything to do with the nature of humans to be inherently selfish? or I'm just reading into it too much, who knows? Anyway. I only say these things because I had previously fallen victim of selfishly applying a song/wanting to learn to play a song because I thought it'd be the perfect way to "woo" some girl with such a melodic masterpiece...pfft...pretty lame huh? But seriously though. Here is the song (by Matt Wertz):

I will not take my love away
When praises cease and seasons change
while the whole world turns the other way
I will not take my love away
I will not leave you all alone
When striving leads you far from home
And there's no yield for what you've sown
I will not leave you all alone
I will give you what you need
In plenty or in poverty
Forever, always, look to me
And I will give you what you need
I will not take my love away

When I first heard this song, I was seriously excited about wanting to learn it so I could sing and play it to any prospective ladies that might be in the sea. So I grabbed my guitar and started learning the tabs. After I was getting the hang of it, I decided to look up the lyrics on google to see how they fit with the notes. It wasn't until i played the song again on my iTunes (for probably the 5th time) that I was hit with a Double Decker Bus of realization...Matt Wertz isn't singing about his love for some 'phooinneee chick'. But instead, he was singing about God's unconditional and unfailing love.

Realizing the true meaning (hopefully) of these lyrics literally, blew. my. mind. Not only because it was so well written, but at the fact that I could be sooo selfish and blind to see the truth that was being so sweetly sung to my ears, echoed into my poo of a brain and re-sung out of my own mouth (not so sweetly though). Its times like these where God really puts me back in my place. Luckily, it wasn't too harsh of a beating from the Father, but an eye opener and question raiser as to how sinful and selfish I tend to be.

It's cool to look back through a song like this and really think and dwell on the shear magnitude of God's love for us and that "while the whole world turns the other way" or when there's "no yield for what you've sown" He will "...not leave you all alone". Through "plenty or poverty" we should "Forever, always, look to [Him]" as the bride of Jesus Christ who was sent to this Earth as a ransom for our souls because our "God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten son, Jesus Christ..." [John 3:16-21]. So I thank you, Father, for your love endures forever.

And remember kids... "Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self!"


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