So I was taking a shower the other night and I was thinking about how I couldn't wait to get done scrubbin' up so I could bust out my grandma's squeegee and wipe down the freshly moistened glass doors. yeahhh, wipe 'em up, reallll nice-like. I don't know why, but I've always taken such satisfaction and joy in going column by column from right to left (always. right. to. left.) down the glass panels magically wiping the wetness. It could be the same reason why I enjoy mowing the grass in nice evenly lined sections or something of that sort. But that's beside the point.
With squeegee in hand, I begin to make right what was left by the evil shower head raining down aimlessly, but fortunately stopped by the wall of glass strategically set in place to prevent any unwanted leakage. The rhythmic beat of my squeege could be heard by my parents in the bedroom as they watch another episode of Law & Order: CI. Thud. Squeege. Flick...Thud. Squeege. Flick...Thud. Squeege. Flick. As I got to the end of the first panel, I thought to myself, "Man, it feels good to clean stuff." Thud. Squeege. Flick..."I wonder if this is how God feels when He's able clean us..?" Thud. Squeege. Flick...
Thud. And there it was, I suddenly remembered the purpose for me squeegeeing the glass. 'So that dirt and grime wouldn't build up and that it would stay clean and i guess...semi-see through." The point that I'm trying to get at is that, basically, if we aren't continuously examining our hearts and motives, the dirt and grime will build up, creating a calloused heart and blind eyes. Without God manning the squeegie, cleaning up the mess that we go through every day in this world, the foggier things become and the farther we drift and lose sight of what is good and true. But the fact of the matter is, we try and try to scrub away at the mess we've let build up to no avail. It's not until I give the squeegee back to God and truly trust that He is the one who can "..blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!" [Psalm 51:1-2] that the work in me can even begin.
Squeege. And now the process of being made perfect, becoming a 'man after God's own heart', and a 'bond-servant' to Christ, which is not finished until that final day, standing there before the Lord hearing Him say, "Well done my good and faithful servant, in you I am well pleased." This faith, which is one that few will find [Matthew 7:13-14], is one that I hope to have but will need to be continuously disciplined and pruned into the man God has made me to be.
Flick. My Pride and Prejudice. (lol jk.) My pride and fear of what I can't control/know. I guess you could say it's natural, but that makes it all the more harder to 'let go and let God deal wit' it' (a little bit of T.I.P. for all you rap fans). But seriously tho. Letting go. It is one of the hardest things I personally deal with and am constantly dealing with (and probably will for the rest of my life). Whether it be a past relationship, time for a friend in need, money for the poor, or most importantly the pride in my relationship with God, it's hard to give it up. But thankfully we have a Father who disciplines us for our good [Hebrews 12:7].
So I guess until that day, the monotonous beat of life will go on, with God at the helm, working and planning. His steadfast love refining my faith so that it would be worth more than gold or silver. All with squeegie in hand, not missing a beat...
Thud. Squeege. Flick...

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ah! i like this post!
btw, ive been studying psalm 51 a lot. david demonstrates a heart of GODLY REPENTANCE (vs. worldly repentance) repent in a GODLY way and not in a worldly (shame, regret, guilt) way.
hope youre doing well.
good analogy! it all to God is what i'm struggling with. not being able to control certain things in life..
wanna mow my grass? jkkk
whoa! a long post! hahaha i couldn't stop smiling at it. it's funny and beautiful at the same time. good job? aaanyways i'm glad God taught you in your squeegee time! God has His ways of getting to you :P maybe He'll show you more if you CLEAN YOUR ROOM xD jpjp
merry (californian?) Christmas!
wow. i missed this post... i like it
update, sir! i thought you said you were gonna talk about urbana!
Update, Patrickk!
hey scrub update
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